Fall 2020 Schedule
The fall schedule at FBC Arkadelphia will look different due to Covid restrictions. Some families are not yet ready to return to in-person church, but please know that we support you! For those who are ready to return, please read these important information notes for children's ministry and student ministry:
Children's Ministry
Sunday school begins at 9:30am and finishes at 10:15am. Children younger than 4 years may stay for childcare through the worship service, but Prek/K children must be picked up at 10:15am in their Sunday school room. At this time, we are not offering Children and Worship during the morning worship service; we hope that it will eventually happen again soon.
A few additional notes:
Adult teachers and childcare providers will wear masks for the entire time they interact with your child. If your child is not familiar with adults wearing masks, you might consider "practicing" before Sunday by wearing a mask around the house. This will familiarize your child with mask-wearing grown-ups and alleviate any potential fears :).
Children will not be required to wear masks but may choose to do so.
Social distancing will be attempted in the Prek/K Sunday School class, but it will not likely be possible in the childcare/nursery area.
For children younger than four years, the same volunteers will provide childcare in both the Sunday School and worship service times, so that we can minimize the total number of adults in & out of the room.
For more information, contact Nancy Harrell at nancydharrell@gmail.com
Student Ministry
Sunday Bible Study will take place from 9:30am-10:15am in the basement. Masks are required for all students and adults and no food or drinks will be provided during this time due to Covid procedures. For more info, contact Alan Greenwood at mralangreenwood@gmail.com.